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Why Is It Worth Migrating from Shopify to Magento 2?

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If you can’t make up your mind about switching from one thing to another, it is always worth comparing the options and coming to a well thought-over decision. And this is exactly what we’re about to do.

But before digging deep into naked facts, let’s get a couple of things clear about the major difference between the two ecommerce platforms.

Shopify: A Glimpse


Shopify, since its inception in 2006, has grown to be one of the most user-friendly e-commerce platforms. It’s a hosted platform that provides business owners with a straightforward way to set up and manage an online store. Renowned for its simplicity, Shopify offers a range of customizable templates and has a built-in payment system. It’s a great fit for those who are just starting their e-commerce journey or small businesses without the need for extensive customizations or large scale operations.

Magento 2: A Deep Dive


Magento 2, on the other hand, is an open-source e-commerce platform launched in 2008. It offers a higher degree of flexibility and customization compared to Shopify. With its powerful features and extensive add-ons, Magento 2 is designed for medium to large enterprises that require tailored solutions, scalability, and a vast array of functionalities. Magento’s community edition is free, but there’s also a premium enterprise version. Being self-hosted, it provides complete control over the hosting environment, which means businesses can optimize for performance, security, and other specific needs.

Anyways, if you need help with that, just visit our Magento 2 Migration Service – eCommerce Experts page.

Modern E-store Owners: What Do You Need?

For e-store owners looking to not only survive but thrive in this environment, understanding their needs and expectations is crucial. Here are some of the top desires of modern e-store owners:

Modern E-store Owners: What Do You Need?
  1. Ease of Use: Whether setting up their store or making tweaks along the way, e-store owners expect a platform that’s user-friendly, reducing the learning curve and time spent on operations.
  2. Scalability: As businesses expand, the platform should grow with them. Owners anticipate an e-commerce solution that can handle increased traffic, product ranges, and order volumes without compromising performance.
  3. Customization and Flexibility: One-size-fits-all is no longer acceptable. E-store owners wish for a platform that can be tailored to represent their brand accurately and offer a unique customer experience.
  4. Mobile Optimization: With a significant chunk of online shopping happening on mobile devices, it’s essential for e-store platforms to be mobile-responsive and offer a seamless shopping experience.
  5. Security: Trust is paramount. Owners expect robust security features to protect customer data and transactions.
  6. Integrated Solutions: Whether it’s marketing tools, analytics, or inventory management, having integrated solutions can streamline operations and enhance the shopping experience.
  7. Global Reach: For those looking to tap into global markets, multi-language and multi-currency support are essential.
  8. Affordable Costs: While e-store owners are willing to invest in quality, they also want value for money, with transparent pricing and no hidden costs. By the way, you can check how much it costs to build a Magento 2 e-store in our blog.

The Impact of a Robust E-commerce Platform on Business

The Impact of a Robust E-commerce Platform on Business

The e-commerce platform you choose can significantly influence the trajectory of your business. Here’s why:

  • Customer Experience

A well-designed, fast, and intuitive platform enhances user experience, leading to higher conversions and repeat purchases.

  • Operational Efficiency

A robust platform streamlines business operations, reducing manual tasks and errors, leading to time and cost savings.

  • Branding

A flexible platform allows businesses to create a unique brand presence, setting them apart from competitors.

  • Data Insights

Modern e-commerce platforms provide analytics and insights, enabling businesses to make informed decisions.

  • Reliability

A stable and reliable platform ensures minimal downtime, maintaining trust and ensuring continuous revenue streams.

  • Growth Opportunities

With integrated marketing and SEO tools, businesses can tap into new markets and audiences, driving growth. Also, here is a list of the best Magento SEO extensions.

Key Differences Between Shopify and Magento 2

Key Differences Between Shopify and Magento 2

As more businesses consider Shopify to Magento migration, it becomes crucial to understand the key differences between the two. Let’s delve deeper into these differences.

Open-source vs. Proprietary Systems:

  • Magento: One of the primary reasons businesses opt for a Shopify to Magento 2 migration is Magento’s open-source nature. This means that businesses have complete access to the platform’s code, allowing for extensive customization and control. Such access enables stores to tailor their site to unique needs, a feature that’s especially attractive to larger businesses or those with specific requirements.
  • Shopify: On the other hand, Shopify operates on a proprietary system. While it offers a user-friendly experience, the closed nature restricts deep code customizations. This limitation can sometimes be a roadblock for businesses looking for more tailored solutions.


  • Magento: A driving factor behind Shopify to Magento migration customer decisions is Magento’s advanced scalability options. Magento is designed to handle substantial traffic and transaction volumes, making it ideal for businesses with vast inventories and those planning aggressive growth strategies.
  • Shopify: While Shopify provides scalability, there may be some constraints when compared to Magento. For rapid scaling businesses, this can prompt them to consider a Shopify to Magento 2 data migration.


  • Magento: Magento’s open-source nature ensures unparalleled flexibility. This flexibility allows businesses to create unique storefronts and back-end functionalities. Whether it’s unique checkout processes or bespoke product displays, the sky’s the limit when you migrate from Shopify to Magento.
  • Shopify: Shopify offers a more structured approach to customization. With its range of themes and plugins, businesses can still achieve a degree of personalization. However, the depth of customization might not match that of Magento, driving some to think about Shopify to Magento 2 migration.

Pricing Models and Long-term Implications:

  • Magento: Opting for Magento, especially after a Shopify to Magento migration, means businesses should be prepared for costs associated with hosting, security, and potential development. While there’s an initial investment, the customizable nature can offer better long-term ROI for specific businesses.
  • Shopify: Shopify’s pricing model is more straightforward, with monthly subscription plans. However, as businesses grow, transaction fees and costs associated with third-party integrations can add up. This realization often pushes businesses to evaluate the potential long-term savings of a Shopify to Magento 2 data migration.

Potential Challenges in Migration

Shopify to Magento 2 migration is a transformative step that promises numerous benefits, but it also comes with its unique challenges. Understanding these challenges ensures a smoother transition and better planning for e-store owners.

Downtime Concerns

Downtime Concerns

A major concern during any e-commerce platform migration is potential downtime. During a Shopify to Magento 2 migration, there’s a window when the site may be temporarily unavailable. This downtime can impact sales, especially for high-traffic stores. Therefore, planning the migration during off-peak hours or when traffic is at its lowest can help mitigate this challenge.

Data Migration

Data Migration

Data is the lifeblood of any e-commerce business. A smooth Shopify to Magento 2 migration customer experience relies heavily on the successful transfer of data, including products, customer data, and order histories. The Shopify to Magento 2 data migration process must be meticulous to prevent data loss, ensure data integrity, and guarantee that no crucial business information is overlooked.

SEO Implications and Maintaining Search Rankings

SEO Implications and Maintaining Search Rankings

SEO is a pivotal concern during any Shopify to Magento 2 migration. Changing URLs, site structures, and potential issues with redirects can have implications on search rankings. Maintaining these rankings is crucial for businesses that rely heavily on organic traffic. To address this, store owners must ensure that proper 301 redirects are in place post-migration and that the Shopify to Magento 2 migration process retains all thе SEO optimizations previously in place.

The Potential Learning Curve with Magento’s Complex Backend

The Potential Learning Curve with Magento’s Complex Backend

Magento’s backend is more intricate than Shopify’s, which means there can be a learning curve for those unfamiliar with the platform. After Shopify to Magento 2 migration, e-store owners and their teams might need training or guidance to navigate Magento’s functionalities efficiently. However, the depth and versatility of Magento’s backend also mean that businesses have more control and customization options post-Shopify to Magento 2 migration.

Extension and Plugin Compatibility

When you think about Shopify and Magento 2, both have rich ecosystems for extensions and plugins. However, the challenge emerges when these aren’t directly interchangeable due to their architectural differences. Specific features on a Shopify store might have been realized through dedicated apps. Upon migrating to Magento 2, there’s a crucial task of identifying these functionalities. The next step? Find corresponding Magento 2 extensions or delve into custom development. It’s not just about functionality but also costs.

Extension and Plugin Compatibility

Magento 2 extensions can vary from being free to relatively expensive, and it’s this variability that has to be factored into your migration budget. Then there’s the layer of complexity regarding integration. Extensions, especially when sourced from different developers, might not always sync well together. Ensuring harmony between these extensions becomes pivotal to prevent potential conflicts and errors.

Design Overhaul

Ransitioning from Shopify to Magento 2 isn’t merely about data; it’s also a transition in design paradigms. Magento 2 and Shopify handle design themes distinctively, meaning direct migration isn’t feasible. This realization introduces two paths: purchasing a ready-made Magento 2 theme or crafting a custom one from the ground up. But it’s not just about aesthetics.

Design Overhaul

If your brand has cultivated specific UX/UI attributes over time, you might need considerable investment in Magento’s theme development to retain that brand consistency. In today’s digital age, where mobile shopping is no longer an exception but the norm, ensuring your new Magento 2 theme is responsive becomes equally vital.

Budgetary Concerns

Budgetary Concerns

While the open-source version of Magento 2 might seem free initially, the journey from a hosted solution like Shopify to Magento 2 can be riddled with unforeseen expenses. There might be hidden costs lurking in the corners, from extensions to custom functionalities to design. Then there’s the domain of hosting. Unlike Shopify, which takes care of hosting, Magento 2 requires you to be proactive, bringing another layer of expenses. And, let’s not forget the potentially higher recurring costs of Magento 2, especially if you’re outsourcing maintenance and updates to external developers.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Migration isn’t a ‘set it and forget it’ deal. Once you’ve made the leap, there’s a pivotal need to ensure everything runs like a well-oiled machine. It goes beyond just checking visuals. Every nook and corner of functionality, from the intricacies of product searches to the nuances of the checkout process, demand rigorous testing. But it’s not just about what’s under the hood.

Testing and Quality Assurance

The user’s journey, their interaction with your platform, can reveal potential bottlenecks in their shopping experience. Before broadcasting your migration success, a prudent step would be to collect feedback. Maybe from a select group of loyal users or testers. Their insights can help catch those pesky issues that are easy to overlook.

Training and Support

Training and Support

Magento’s strength is its flexibility, but this can be a double-edged sword. Its backend, when compared to Shopify, is more intricate, introducing a steeper learning curve for your staff. This knowledge gap necessitates organized training sessions, helping your team transition smoothly post-migration. Having a rich, detailed documentation in place can be a lifesaver. It enables your team to navigate and resolve common Magento tasks independently, reducing their over-reliance on developer support. Initially, it’s also wise to have a support contract with a Magento expert. They can assist in troubleshooting and updates, ensuring your e-commerce operations don’t hit a snag.

Post-migration Maintenance

Post-migration Maintenance

Magento’s open-source nature gives you unparalleled freedom, but it also asks for hands-on involvement. For instance, security on Magento 2 is proactive. Regularly updating the platform and its extensions becomes non-negotiable, especially with Magento’s timely patches for vulnerabilities. Over time, certain elements can weigh down on your site’s performance. Periodic performance evaluations and optimizations ensure your site remains agile and responsive. Above all, having a robust backup strategy is essential. Before implementing significant updates or changes, creating backups safeguards your data and ensures that your business operations remain uninterrupted.

Things You’ll Enjoy about Magento 2 vs Shopify

Having a working e-commerce solution for your online store means enjoying its features to the fullest without the need to buy add-ons for extended functions. This is the thing you will get with Magento 2, but not the Shopify platform.

For example, Shopify will not let you generate discount codes or enjoy the calculation functionalities, unless you buy a more expensive plan or an app. With Magento 2, you can enjoy these features immediately.

The seemingly beneficial larger choice of payment gateways supported by Shopify is diminished by the fees you will have to pay for using third-party gateways. Less payment gateways supported by Magento 2, however, is solved by simple third-party add-ons you can easily integrate.

Undeniable Strength of Magento 2, Compared to Shopify

Since starting on Magento 2 or migrating to it is the wise choice of those who run a large online store or are into enlarging the amount of their products, it is important to consider the possibility of international sales.

Undeniable Strength of Magento 2, Compared to Shopify

And this is where Magento 2 gets the Oscar for best e-commerce platform role. Unlike Shopify, it offers you both multi-lingual support and payment options in a variety of languages and countries. Making your online store international without using any third-party apps is easy with Magento 2.

By the way, after migrating the risk of having bugs increases. Make sure everything works well in the final version of your website. And check out our Magento 2 Bug Fixing – Magento 2 QA Testing Services – IT Delight page if you need any kind of assistance.

Bottom Line

Bottom Line

While there’s a lot more to discuss on the advantages of migrating from Shopify to Magento 2, it’s important to consider some of the main aspects that make the latter stand out against the former, and these are:

  • Platform which offers great flexibility and customization ability
  • Choice of themes and extensions
  • Support from Magento community and phone support
  • Highly scalable e-commerce platform
  • Ability to go international and enjoy multilingual capabilities

Just keep in mind that you might enjoy Shopify if you’re just starting an online store, which will not reach over a hundred items. However, if your plan is to stand on both feet while running a huge sales platform, it is important to start strong, or migrate to Magento 2, if you’re in the process of scaling your business. Contact us to get help with your ambitious eCommerce goals.